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Champions aren't made in the gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision.

- Muhammad Ali

At MMAP, the vocational curriculum provides an inclusive programme of study that will support our pupils. The BTEC Sport course will give pupils a combination of practical experience and written assignments. These vocational qualifications provide level 2 learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in these sectors or can be used in all walks of life. We believe that effective teaching of these subjects will increase pupils understanding and preparation for the world of work.

Believe, Achieve, Exceed: 

In Sport, we contribute to the BELIEVE curriculum by addressing healthy life styles both while at MMAP and in later life. For example, when choosing the optional units, research is completed into opportunities for young people that will engage them in a variety of different sports and recreational events that can be transitioned into life beyond MMAP. Sport contributes to the ACHIEVE curriculum by emphasising the importance of cross-curricular links and that each young person has the ability to achieve both in practical and academic session and that these skills can be used in such core subjects like Maths, Science and English. All our KS4 pupils are able to study Sport at BTEC Level 2 and are given the opportunity to achieve this qualification at the end of year 11 to the highest level. Finally, we contribute to our EXCEED curriculum through giving all students a variety of opportunities in different sports and leisure activities that development their physically and mental well-being. 


We deliver Sport at KS4. We have planned an ambitious curriculum in this area that meets the needs of all pupils and also meets the examination board expectations. This vocational area has been chosen to respond to the feedback received from employers, staff and pupils, that will give our pupils the best opportunity to succeed and excel.

Assessment Information

This qualification consists of two mandatory units that form the fundamental knowledge, skills and understanding of Sport. Two further units are then chosen (from a choice of seven optional units). 

Mandatory units 

  • Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise – Externally Tested
  • Unit 2: Practical Performance in Sport

Optional units 

  • Applying the Principles of Personal Training
  • The Mind and Sports Performance
  • The Sports Performer in Action
  • Leading Sports Activities

BTEC Sport is assessed through a combination of tutor marked assignments and external assessments which are set and marketed by the awarding body. The majority of these assignments involve practical work, where pupils can develop their practical skills in a variety of sports.

BTEC Sport is graded using a Pass (P), Merit (M), Distinction (D) and Distinction* (D*) scale.  If the work produced is not of high enough quality to pass with a P grade, the pupil will be awarded a U (Unclassified).