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We recognise the importance of helping all children achieve their full potential; emotionally, socially, physically and academically. We ensure they are fully included in all school activities, seeking external support and facilities when needed. For further information, please see our SEND policy.

SEND at Maidstone and Malling Alternative Provision (MMAP)

SENCO (Special Education Needs Co-Ordinator): Mrs Pauline Blayney -

The SEND register

All pupils at MMAP will be on the school SEN register. This is because MMAP is an additional, specialist, provision for pupils who have been, or are at risk of being, excluded from mainstream school.  All pupils will have been identified through the In-Year Fair Access Panel and will already have received a range of support from their mainstream schools.

What SENDs do we provide for?

All pupils referred to MMAP have social, emotional or mental health needs (SEMH) which affect their ability to learn and their behaviour (e.g. ADHD, ADD, ODD, anxiety disorders, attachment disorders).  Some pupils may have additional difficulties with communication and interaction (e.g. ASD, Asperger’s) and others a range of associated special educational needs, such as specific learning difficulties (e.g. Dyslexia, Dyspraxia) or sensory and/or physical needs.    


The SEND provision that is put in place for all students at MMAP aims to enable successful academic and pastoral achievements, relative to the previous attainment, and reduce barriers to learning.

At KS3, the programme is short term (usually 12 weeks) and we aim to support pupils to be successfully reintegrated back into mainstream school.

At KS4, pupils are supported to achieve a range of qualifications, in order to support their future goals and to move on to further education, work or training.


We want to involve parents at every stage of planning and review. We hold regular formal meetings and reviews but we also encourage parents to make contact with any issues that may affect their child’s learning or any worries about their SENDs, as soon as possible. This can be in person, by telephone, text or email.

We are often able to give parents/carers the opportunity to meet with specific members of staff at very short notice.  Similarly, we aim to contact parents as soon as possible with any concerns or successes.

At induction, we provide every parent with a copy of the Kent Independent Information and Support service (IASK) leaflet. IASK offers parents free, impartial and confidential support for parents of pupils with SEND.

Parents are also sent the Bower Grove Support newsletter 3 x a year.  Bower Grove Support offers meetings, workshops and advice and is open to all families of children with special educational needs in the area.

Kent produces a Local OfferA Local Offer gives children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, and their families, information about what support services are available in their area. The name ‘local offer’ was given by the government.

As well as information about assessment for SEND, the Local Offer includes information about: support services in school and specialist health services, leisure activities available, short breaks, childcare, transport services available for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities, college, Sixth Form and services available to help young people move towards independence in adulthood.

Kent’s local offer can be found here:


As a small provision, we aim to work really closely with both pupils and their parents/carers. We ask pupils for their views about their special educational needs and use these to help plan individual programmes.

Here are some of the ways that we provide opportunities for pupils to share their views and discuss their SEND needs:

  • Meet students and families prior to entry, to discuss their views, identify needs, strengths and triggers for negative behaviours
  • Provide a self-assessment tool on entry to identify students’ attitudes to self and school
  • Self-assessment of learning styles on entry
  • Individual discussions with key workers/form tutors/mentors
  • Access to Welfare Manager
  • Each lesson provides the opportunity to share success and areas for development with individual students
  • Targets are negotiated with individual students
  • Pupils attend all individual reviews
  • Answering student questionnaires
  • Suggestion box
  • Student council
  • Involvement in Annual Review (if applicable)

What do we provide for pupils at MMAP to support their SENDs?

  • All classes are very small groups, with 1 teacher and 1 LSA support.
  • A range of support is provided in all classes on a daily basis.
  • Teaching staff at Cedars offer a modified version of the National Curriculum and all lessons are differentiated to meet individual needs.
  • Very clear behavioural expectations and structure
  • Well established Behaviour Management Programme
  • Targets are set with each pupil and linked to their student initial self-assessment and to their individual Boxall Profile.
  • In every lesson: behaviour, work, effort and progress towards meeting targets are monitored on our bespoke in-house recording system. This is graphed and sent home to parents/carers regularly.
  • All out of class movement, break and lunchtime activities are closely supervised.
  • Pupils have access to our Welfare Manager for individual counselling/anger management/ guidance.
  • Some pupils are offered additional individual Learning Support programmes (for example, reading or spelling).
  • At KS3, specialist re-integration staff support return to mainstream school on 1:1 ratio and individualised timetable, including daily contact with parents.
  • At KS4, a specialist intensive mentoring programme (IMP) is available to individual pupils in their mainstream school. This is an early help provision to support vulnerable students and is accessed via the IYFA panel.   

Should you require more information please contact the school's SENCO, Mrs P Blayney at Alternatively, use our contact us form.