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The best way to predict your future is to create it

Abraham Lincoln

Maidstone and Malling Alternative Provision are committed to inspiring achievement through inclusion and support. We work together to enable all our pupils to reach their highest level of personal achievement and to take pride in themselves and their futures. Having a stable Career’s Programme enables us to support students to gain knowledge of the requirements needed to consider the next step of their educational journey. As well as next steps, our programme informs students about career sectors, local opportunities and experiences of the workplace.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance programmes make a major contribution in preparing young people for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.  A young person’s career learning journey supports the progress they make in learning and work. As such, we fully believe that all pupils need a programme of activities to help them choose options and career pathways that are right for them through our statutory responsibility of supporting pupils from Key stage 3 through to Year 11. This allows us to support pupils to manage their future career options, sustain employability and achieve personal and economic wellbeing throughout their lives. 

Effective CEIAG within MMAP ensures that the provision:

  • Actively encourages and inspires young people to consider all options, so they can select the best way forward for their interests, motivations, learning styles, abilities and aspirations
  • Consistently consults with students, parents, staff and local business to inform continuous improvement
  • Is actively led and continuously developed by the Careers Lead and Advisor

The CEIAG programme is flexible alongside the main programme, targeted support is also delivered to offer bespoke guidance for each pupil.  Our main programme includes activities such as careers education sessions, career guidance activities e.g. group work and talks from professionals, careers fair, work-related learning, as well as individual learning activities.

All staff are responsible for delivery of the main programme, this will be through a predominantly taught approach within lessons, all staff will be expected to contribute through roles as tutors and curriculum subject teachers in addition to specific staff responsibilities for CEIAG.

Our Careers Team:

  • Careers Lead – Lee Aitken-Cooper
  • Careers Link Governor – Tanya Kelvie
  • Programme Co-ordinator and trainee Careers Advisor – Marie Albrow
  • Careers Teacher – Sarah Skuse
  • Careers & Enterprise Company Careers Consultant – Louise Rochford

We continually measure and assess the impact of our careers programme by collecting and evaluating feedback from a variety of stakeholders including students, staff, parents/carers and providers. Student’s careers knowledge is also evaluated using the Future Skills Questionnaire from the Careers & Enterprise Company, designed to measure the career readiness of students. A programme of monitoring and self-assessment is in place and the careers provision is reviewed annually using collected data and the Compass+ evaluations. MMAP is also termly evaluated with support from our Enterprise Co-ordinator from the Careers & Enterprise Company. We measure the effectiveness of the programme with reference to our destinations data for Year 11 in comparison to national and equivalent figures.

The aims of our Careers Programme are mapped against the Gatsby Foundation Benchmarks of Good Careers Guidance. Information about the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks can be found here - 8 Gatsby Benchmarks

How MMAP measures and assesses the impact on pupils

MMAP has a Careers Plan in place to track student progress in relation to this year's priorities and the eight Gatsby Benchmarks

The Careers Plan is reviewed termly by our Enterprise Co-ordinator from the Careers & Enterprise Company.

MMAP uses the Compass+ evaluation tool to assess ongoing progress in relation to the eight Gatsby Benchmarks.

Annual full review of the aims of the programme with a focus on outcomes for learners and assessing if the objectives have been met

Regularly utilising feedback to adapt the programme to meet student needs

The annual evaluation of the effectiveness of our Careers Programme

  • Attainment
  • Progress
  • Options pathways
  • Destinations data
  • Future Skills Questionnaire
  • Feedback about career related activities and full Careers Programme from students, parents/carers, teachers, governors and employers
  • Impact of curriculum days, such as Enterprise and STEM days

Outline of our evaluation framework

Are we making the best use of the resources we have allocated for careers work?

How effective are the different guidance interventions we use? e.g. one-to one interviews, small group work, drop-in sessions

Are we optimising pupils learning from the current Careers Programme?

Are we evaluating pupils activities feedback in relation to career readiness?

Have the learning outcomes been achieved at the end of the students 12 weeks, if in our nurture programme, or at the end of Year 11 if with us permanently?

How well are students succeeding in taking the next step in their education, training or employment? Was it “their best next step”? How do we know this?

  • Destinations achieved at the end of KS4
  • Destinations of students tracked until their 18th birthday